Discover why we believe, what we believe.
The Doctrine Project, taught by leading pastors of the American Baptist Association, covers the entire doctrinal statement of the A.B.A. and discusses its relevance. Listen as each pastor gives a biblical explanation as to why these "Doctrines" are important, and why we should apply them to our lives each and every day.
TEASER (1 - 2 min)
To be shown as an announcement at church or online promoting the classes or used at the end of class as a teaser for next weeks lesson.
SHORT LESSON (5 - 8 min)
To be used in addition to someone expounding on the subject after the video is over.
LONG LESSON (15 - 20 min)
To be used as a stand alone lesson with or without workbooks.
Follow along book with fill-in-the-blank questions and a Life Application section each week.
To be used with or without videos to help the teacher with studying and preparing their lesson.
David Robinson